Little Angels
Address - BD 31, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700064
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Who Are We?

We are a family of over 35 employees that include teachers, non-teaching staff, and guards. Children, parents, and suppliers also constitute a part of this extended family…

It was in response to pressing requests from parents of little children in Salt Lake in late 70s, that Mrs. Mohini Vig started Little Angels School in 1980. Mrs. Vig opened the school with only a handful of sweet children, precious encouragement and continuous support of her husband, now late Mr. Mohan Singh Vig, and a whole lot of honesty and hard work.


Nurturing this little fledgling and the little children associated with it, Mrs Vig and her dedicated team of teachers wrote and distributed flyers about the school to their neighbors, and taught with passion, care, and discipline. Word of mouth took on a new meaning after that when the quality and approach of teaching became more and more known to the residents of Salt Lake. The school grew and blossomed into the school and educational institution it presently is. Over the last 30 or more years, the school matured steadily to be one of the top nursery/ kindergarten schools in Kolkata.

A description of the school will be incomplete without mentioning the numerous late nights when Mrs. Vig, very painstakingly, burned the midnight oil, keeping track of school records, functions, curricular issues, school activities, etc….. and this she did from day 1, and did it until the very sad day, 24th October, 2021.

She has left this earthly home and has joined her husband in Heaven. And she is being missed every second of every day.

The school is now running under the guidance of Dr. Ms. Jagjit Kaur Singh, daughter of the lovely couple, late Mr. and Mrs. Vig.